Dear Colleagues,

: “Population and Ecological Genomics in Changing Forest Environments”
LOCATION: Centro di Ecologia Alpina (CEA; http:, Fondazione Edmund Mach, on Monte Bondone, near Trento, Italy
DATES: July 22-24, 2009.

: Potential participants are kindly requested to submit an e-mail ([email protected]) along with a one-page cv and 1-page statement
describing why they would like to attend the workshop.

Deadline for registration is May 21, 2009.

FEE: 200 ¤ includes lunches and dinners (from July 22-24) and the course manual.

Floriana Marin, Research and Innovation Centre, Fondazione Edmund Mach,  ([email protected]), phone: +39 0461 615543 - Fax + 39 0461 615183

DESCRIPTION: This workshop will be hosted by CEA, in collaboration with the University of California, Davis, USA (Department of Plant Sciences).

The aim of the workshop is to provide up-to-date knowledge of
theoretical and computational approaches to studying adaptation in
changing forest environments.  The workshop will emphasize the use
bioinformatics tools and software packages.  Participants must have
their own laptop computer and have software applications installed
before arriving at the CEA.  Information regarding obtaining software
and computer hardware requirements will be provided by the organizers
in advance of the workshop.

The workshop is primarily intended for young researchers at the
doctoral and post-doctoral stages, but is also open to people working
outside academic institutions seeking to acquire basic knowledge
useful for implementing practical management and conservation plans.

David Neale (Dept. of Plant Sciences, UC Davis)
Cristiano Vernesi (Centro di Ecologia Alpina, Research and Innovation
Centre, Fondazione Edmund Mach)
Claudio Varotto (IASMA Research and Innovation Centre, Fondazione
Edmund Mach)

INSTRUCTORS: David Neale (UC Davis, USA) , Jill Wegrzyn (UC
Davis, USA), Andrew Eckert (UC Davis, USA) and Elena Mosca (UC Davis,
Invited speakers: Sally Aitken (University of British Columbia,
Canada) and Brad St. Clair (USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, Oregon, USA)

LOCAL COMMITTEE: Cristiano Vernesi and Floriana Marin (secretary),
Fondazione Edmund Mach.

Cristiano Vernesi
Centro di Ecologia Alpina
Centro Ricerca e Innovazione - Fondazione Edmund Mach
postal address: Viote del Monte Bondone - 38040 Trento - Italy
tel +390461939523 - fax +390461948190 - skypename: cvernesi